From Healing to Wholeness: A Christian Perspective on Emotional and Mental Wellness

Ebony Hudson is a licensed clinical social worker who is dual licensed in New Jersey and South Carolina. Ebony is most proud to add “author” to her list of accomplishments. Her book, “From Healing to Wholeness: A Christian Perspective on Emotional & Mental Wellness” shares how Christians can be healed and made whole mentally and […]

A Christian Response to Sexual Orientation Change

What is the balance of truth and grace in discussing contrasting views of sexual orientation change? How can Christian professionals add value to the discussion? In this diverse discussion, part 2 of 4 sexuality series, Dr. James Phelan will present an academic appraisal of how secular informants view sexual orientation change efforts. As a backdrop […]

Social Justice: A Biblical View

ACHHS webinars are free and open to paid members, Facebook group members (ACHHS or TCCSW), or if you are referred by a member, please include their name on your email when you rsvp. This webinar will not have CEUs available, but we are working to becoming certified CEU providers for future webinars. To rsvp for […]

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