Making Foster Care Obsolete

Free live Diverse Discussions Webinar on Monday, February 26, 2024 @6-7PM Central Time (7-8 pm Eastern). A recording of this webinar will be available to ACHHS members in the members-only archive on our website. Please see this page for a list of past webinars we’ve hosted. The Presenter is Robert Day, Executive Director of Patrick […]

The Foundation for Unity

Free live Diverse Discussions Webinar on Friday, January 12th from 3:30-5PM Pacific Time (5:30-7pm Central). A recording of this webinar will be available to ACHHS members in the members-only archive on our website. For a list of past webinars we’ve hosted, please see this page. The webinar presentation will explore these two questions: Is racial […]

Understanding Coercive Control

Free live Diverse Discussions Webinar on Tuesday, December 19th from 6-7PM Central Time (7-8pm Eastern). The webinar presentation will explore these two questions: How do you know when you are being coerced? How does brainwashing work? Moderator: Kat Elias, LCSW, see biography in the flyer below. Presenter: Anna Kitko, MA, holds a Master of Arts […]

Human Trafficking: Hidden in Plain Sight

Free live Diverse Discussions Webinar on Tuesday, November 28th from 6-7PM Central Time (7-8pm Eastern). The webinar presentation will explore these two questions: Is human trafficking a real thing? What do I do if I come across someone who is being trafficked? Moderator: Dr. Kim Parker, see biography in the flyer below. The presenter, Lara […]

How Gut Health Affects Mood

Free live Diverse Discussions Webinar on Wednesday September 27th from 6:30-7:30 PM EST. The webinar presentation will explore these two questions:   How do diet and nutrition impact mental health? What are some components of whole person treatment a clinician can address? Moderator: Dr. David King, see biography in the flyer below.  The presenter, Layla […]

Surviving Grad School As a Conservative Christian

You are invited to join our August ACHHS Social – Surviving Grad School As a Conservative Christian facilitated by Kat Elias, LCSW, and Tracey Phillips, PhD. Christian faith, worldview, and perspectives have been under attack in our postmodern age. Conservative Christians (those who hold to a traditional, orthodox interpretation of what the Bible and early church […]

Antiracism & Christianity in Human Services

Issues of race, justice and antiracism are frequently at the forefront of conversation in human services and culture. This workshop will explore key questions about antiracism including: What is antiracism from the view of current culture? What are its key components and how is it the same or different from a Biblical approach to issues […]

A Christian Response to Sexual Orientation Change

What is the balance of truth and grace in discussing contrasting views of sexual orientation change? How can Christian professionals add value to the discussion? In this diverse discussion, part 2 of 4 sexuality series, Dr. James Phelan will present an academic appraisal of how secular informants view sexual orientation change efforts. As a backdrop […]

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