Free live Diverse Discussions Webinar on Monday, February 26, 2024 @6-7PM Central Time (7-8 pm Eastern). A recording of this webinar will be available to ACHHS members in the members-only archive on our website. Please see this page for a list of past webinars we’ve hosted.
The Presenter is Robert Day, Executive Director of Patrick Henry Family Services. A survivor of childhood poverty and abuse, including moving 35 times, Robert succeeded in graduating from high school. Today, through God’s grace and two Master’s Degrees in hand, Robert’s life work is dedicated to keeping children safe and families strong. Robert’s inspiring testimony, together with his unique and timely perspective, has made him a sought-after speaker for conferences, churches, civic audiences, and beyond.
Robert is the author of three books, Worst of Mothers…Best of Moms, Desperately Healed… My Journey to Wholeness, and Rescuing Children, Healing Adults. These tell his story of a tumultuous childhood and the arduous process of healing as an adult. Born to a teenage mother, who was herself a ward of the state, Robert survived abject poverty, neglect, and abuse; but in the end, this is a story of God’s infinite grace and mercy, and how He uses our pasts for His purpose. In addition to his testimony, Robert loves to speak on issues of Child Welfare (particularly the history of the orphanage movement), Overcoming Poverty, and the process of Social and Organizational Change.
- Can you imagine a world without foster care?
- What would you be willing to do to make it a reality?
Moderator: Kim Parker, EdD, LCSW, see biography in the flyer below.
What is Diverse Discussions?
- Live Discussions for Christian helping professionals and students; conversations, interviews, and Q&A with experts and professionals.
- Topics include working with diverse populations and challenging issues from a Christian worldview.
- The focus is on integrating faith and practice to increase skills, knowledge, and ability to engage and serve others in pluralistic contexts effectively.